The Empire PS administration and Extended Day program staff are reminding parents with children in the Extended Day program that they must let the office and/or extended day staff know when alternate arrangements have been made for after school pick-up, especially if it is immediately after school at dismissal time.

We have had several instances over the past couple of weeks where children have been picked up by a parent, grandparent, etc. at dismissal time, and because we did not know this, our extended day and office staff have had to try to track down where the student has gone.  This causes us unnecessary worry and panic when the child has in fact been picked up by a trusted adult.

Your help with this is greatly appreciated – please call the school at 519-742-8375 to let us know if a child is being picked up instead of going to our Extended Day program.

Many thanks,

Ms. Wilkinson, Mrs. Moore and our Extended Day staff