October 11th, 2013
School Council News
Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 13 at 7:00 in the library (we hope).
School Council is made up of parents, community members and school administration and staff members. All parents are welcome to attend School Council meetings. We will meet the second Wednesday of each month with the exception of January.
The School Council’s job is to keep parents informed of any issue/policy that may affect education at Empire school. Another big part of the council’s work is to raise funds for extra curricular activities.
Last year Empire School Council organized a number of fundraising activities including a Magazine Fundraising Campaign, the running of sub lunches and Lunch Lady meals, a Move-a-thon, and the fun fair.
If you wish to make a donation to the school in lieu of fundraising, you may do so by making cheques payable to the Waterloo Education Foundation— Empire Public School.
Should you have any questions about the School Council’s activities please do not hesitate to contact this year’s co-chairs, Shannon Christie (shannonchristie@hotmail.com) and Erica Hind (Erica.Hind@sunlife.com) or the school directly.