Please be aware that supervision on the schoolyard begins at 9:05, 15 minutes prior to entry. Children are not  to arrive and/or  be dropped off by a parent/caregiver earlier than 9:05 since our yard is not supervised.

At the end of the day children will be asked to leave the school grounds and go directly home or to a caregiver. With permission from home, they may return later to play on the grounds. After school, supervision ends at 3:55 pm. Any students still not picked up at that time are brought into the office so that we can assist in contacting parents and getting students home safely.

Our school insurance provider has advised us that our blue climbing structure is not designed for 3, 4 and 5 year olds and Kindergarten aged students are not allowed to play on it. As a result, staff members are obligated to keep students from this age group from playing on this structure.

Your assistance in ensuring student safety is greatly appreciated.