As of today, School Council has raised just over $4,000 dollars of our final $15,000 goal for the Empire Playground Fund.  This is a lot less than we had hoped or expected.  It means we’re averaging about $7/student instead of the $26/student we were aiming for.  We still need $11,000 in order to meet our December 18th goal and stay on track for a spring/summer installation.  We need your help now more than ever!

If you have not made a donation, we hope you will do so today.  Anyone (parents, grandparents, neighbours, etc.) can donate.

If you are going to purchase a present for your child’s teacher during the holidays, a donation to the Empire PS Playground Fund in your teacher’s name makes a great gift!  Please use this handy receipt to let your teacher know you have given.  Nov1615 Empire PS Playgroud Gift Receipt


You may send cash or cheque (made out to Empire PS) in the envelope that was attached to the green flyer Empire PS direct ask letter Nov1615 you received recently or visit  to make a donation online using WEFI (be sure to specify Empire PS in the drop down menu).   All donations over $15 will receive a tax receipt.

To view a copy of the playground plans or learn more, please visit

Thank you!