Next Meeting: Wednesday December 10, 2014, in the library starting at 7 pm.

 All parents and guardians are invited to attend the school council’s monthly meetings.  We had a new attendee from a new family at the November meeting and encourage all long-time, and brand new Empire families to attend these useful meeting.  The meetings are typically 1-2 hours.

 This month’s agenda will be posted at a few days prior to the meeting.

 Benefits of attending include building community through planning school council events and projects.  For example, this year, there are plans underway for an amazing outdoor learning area.  Be part of the planning and learn about it first at these meeting.  Thank you to those who participated in the school council sponsored Book Fair in November.

 If you miss a meeting, or would like to find out about current topics of discussion, visit find meeting agendas and minutes.

 This year you can also stay informed by following us on Twitter.   We are @EmpirePSCouncil.  There have been many great posts already on school council projects, community events, and school activities.

Should you have any questions about the school council’s activities please do not hesitate to contact this year’s co-chairs, Shannon Berkhuizen ( and Erica Hind ( or the school directly.

 Save the date: The January meeting will be held Wednesday January 14, 2015