Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 12 at 7:00

 This month’s agenda will include the Principal/Vice-Principal report, and planning for upcoming fundraising activities in December, among other items. All parents and guardians are invited to attend the school council’s monthly meetings.The meetings are typically 1-2 hours.Benefits of attending include meeting other parents and families, hearing from the principal and vice-principal, and building community through planning school council events and projects.

If you miss a meeting, or would like to find out about current topics of discussion, visit find meeting agendas and minutes.

This year you can also stay informed by following us on Twitter. We are @EmpirePSCouncil.  You will find out about School Council Projects, Community Events, School Activities and general information about education if you follow our twitter account.

Should you have any questions about the School Council’s activities please do not hesitate to contact this year’s co-chairs, Shannon Berkhuizen ( and Erica Hind ( or the school directly.